Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Christ Arose (BR232)(CS035).pro

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Christ Arose (BR232)(CS035).pro
Orig Key: Bb | New Key:

Title: Christ Arose (BR232)(CS035)

Key: Bb

Key: Bb

3 for Bb

Verse 1

G      C/G       G            D      D7       C/G     G
Low in the grave He lay—      Je  -  sus  my  Sav -   ior 
C           G/B    G           Em     A7     D
Waiting the coming day—        Je  -  sus my Lord 



N.C.                     G
Up from the grave He a - rose 
       G      C                G
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes 
       D7                     Em      C      G
He a - rose a victor from the dark    do  -  main 
       C           A             D
And He lives for - ever with His saints to reign 
       G            C
He a - rose, He a - rose 
        G/D       D7         G
Halle - lujah!    Christ a - rose 

Verse 2

G      C/G        G             D      D7       C/G     G
Vainly they watch His bed—      Je  -  sus  my  Sav -   ior 
C           G/B      G            Em     A7     D
Vainly they seal the dead—        Je  -  sus my Lord

Verse 3

G           C/G      G         D    D7     C/G   G
Death can - not keep his prey— Je - sus my Sav - ior
C           G/B      G           Em     A7     D
He tore the bars a - way—        Je  -  sus my Lord